Contact Us Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional) This form uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your data is processed. Δ Tanya Moyer 1181 East Lykers Road ~ Sprakers, New York 12166 Phone: 518.673.4848 mulligancreekacres Pastured Berkshire pigs, chicken and lamb, atop the Schoharie Valley, serving families, butchers and restaurants…"Where it's all about Quality" Happy Thanksgiving from all of us @MulliganCreekAc Instagram post 18044454436912545 Stop by @oneontafarmersmarket607 and @pakatakanfar It's a great day to visit us @pakatakanfarmersmark It's a beautiful morning here @pakatakanfarmersmar Come out and see us @pakatakanfarmersmarket and @o Even though we had 12 inches of snow this weekend, Trying to get a bit of office work done on this wi Healing from surgery, I took the opportunity to ge Join us this Saturday @uniongrovedistillery to Pai Did you know that you can order our pasture raised January is all about putting pen to paper to build Travel is slow but I'm on my way to @oneontafarmer Stop on by and say, "hi" to Oscar and shop the hol One of my favorite ram lambs ever, Slyvester. #ja Today's theme....I'm just doing the best I can. I The grasses are tall and there's no better place f Thursday update from the pasture. #mulligancreeka It's time to fill your freezers for winter! Sign Everyone wants their picture taken... #jacobsheep Load More Follow on Instagram